His bribes seemed to be having no effect, but it was interesting never the less; the boy had an intelligent glint in his eyes, and L had absolutely no doubt (maybe two percent doubt) that Near knew and understood every single word that L was saying to him.

Plagued by the incessant ringing of the bells, L Lawliet makes a video call to somebody rather important to him, for what he can't help but feel may be the last time...

Near tries to help L with the Kira case.

L comforts Near. Yeah, that's pretty much it.

L is the only one awake in the House when a child wakes from a nightmare.

The first times L met the three boys in line to succeed him.
near's part is in chapter 2... but you should give matt and mello's a read as well

'If Near is as brilliant as his father, then he's going to be a problem,' Light concluded to himself, scowling at L and his son.

When Watari asks L to take care of a very young Near, The detective isn't happy about the request, as the day goes on, will L be able to handle the task?

Sequel to L Babysits. A look into the lives of L, Near and Watari as they begin to form their family.